Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tribute-ary: Chris

A faithful traveling companion for twelve solar revolutions,
Very seldom can a friend claim.
An honest heart and a rebellious spirit,
Blends the elusive elixir of fugitives, prophets and world changers.
Most cynics hover over their reclusive sidelines,
Afraid of being proven void.
But a man who can ask “why are things this way?”
And also prod himself into the arena of toil
Is a rarer creature still.

Wit has a way of witling people into white and black,
Sarcasm can send sectarian signals.
But when a soul has the courage to include
Himself in his sidewinding word-smithing
With an unsuspecting humility and mischief,
He can only be Chris Margrave -- or Huckleberry Finn.

Curiosity can kill catlike reflexes,
Or it can form musicians, inkslingers
Pipe smokers, inventors, husbands, and fathers.

When a teenager wants to learn the blues
You crack a smile and get him in tune.
When a young man wants to begin again,
You laugh and help him unpack.
When a son becomes the mortar that repairs a family,
You gasp and start taking notes.
When a student becomes your teacher,
You stand agape and stand up straighter.
When a friend becomes kin,
You embrace him and tell him,
“I’m proud of you. Do your thing, brother.
Maybe I’ll catch up when you least expect it.”


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