Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Some Saints on All Saints Days

I'm currently listening to Mozart's Requiem and trying to keep my tears on the inside.

Just a few moments ago we recited the Great Litanny together here at the Abbey, asking a rather lengthy list of notable Christian characters to pray for us. As we got into a cadence, I became more accutely aware of the "cloud of witnesses" than ever before. I also felt deeply impressed to address a few "saints" that have touched a more personal and intimate part of my soul:

Enoch, pray for me; that I would walk with God.
Jeremiah, pray for me; that I would remain faithful to Christ regardless of any measures of success.
Joseph, pray for me; that I would love my son as you did yours - with awe and wonder and acquiesence that God is the true Father.
Levi, pray for me; that I would drop all and follow.
Luke, pray for me; that I would tell the stories of the foreigners and outcasts.
Paul, pray for me; that I would find the language to cross cultures with the gospel.

Martin of Tours, pray for me; that I would send others into unknown wonders.
Brendan, pray for me; that I would embrace my journey with humility and urgency.
Benedict, pray for me; that I would become an Abbott-daddy to my spiritual family.
Charles De Foucauld, pray for me; that I would deny myself for Christ's sake.
Bonhoeffer, pray for me; that I would embody a monasticism for this time.

Johnny Cash, pray for me; that I would be an oak.

Brother I never knew, pray for me; that I would recognize you on That day.

Kyle Lake, pray for me; that I would be at peace with the God who infuriates me.

, your heart still beats, but your true self is far closer to heaven than earth. Please pray for me, that I would live in your legacy of love and faith.


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