Global Cluelessness Quiz
First of all, I must profess my surprised elation at the acceptance of the U.N. ceasefire agreement by Israli PM Ehud Olmort. [Side note: remember that Ehud dude from the book of Judges? He was the left-handed fellow that was able to sneak a knife into the king's quarters and drive it so far into the king's belly that the handle disappeared!] After reading that Olmort prayed with Pat Robertson for "victory for Israel" a few days ago, I guess I dismissed the prime minister as a one-dimensional Zionist. Glad to know that, unlike Mr. Robertson, Olmort apparently values peace more than heralding in the End Times. [Side note #2: don't get me started on my Pat Robertson rant. It's not pretty.] And now our prayers can be directed towards full compliance with the treaty's regulations on both sides. How beautiful was it that the U.S. and France worked out the ceasfire proposal together? Am I allowed to eat french fries again now?

Enough of that. I just discovered the Reuter's webpage a few days ago. I have been devouring it during my little periods of domestic loafing. If you ever wanted to understand any of these complex global issues that the news media occassionally reports, but never really explains, this is THE place to get the background stories. I just took this 6-question quiz about the most dangerous places in the world for children. It was a fun way to be introduced to my own ignorance. If, like me, you wanna pull your head out of the sand and try to be an informed global citizen, check it out for yerself.

Enough of that. I just discovered the Reuter's webpage a few days ago. I have been devouring it during my little periods of domestic loafing. If you ever wanted to understand any of these complex global issues that the news media occassionally reports, but never really explains, this is THE place to get the background stories. I just took this 6-question quiz about the most dangerous places in the world for children. It was a fun way to be introduced to my own ignorance. If, like me, you wanna pull your head out of the sand and try to be an informed global citizen, check it out for yerself.
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