Newfound Freedom / Energy to Air it Out

I've been working only three days a week for the past month, stretching out my vacation time in staying home and helping Jolie with the baby and his brother. My social life has all but vanished, as anyone with a newborn will readily acknowledge. This is frustrating mainly because I feel so deeply that the primary reason why I am HERE NOW has to do with befriending people that have sidestepped the Christian mainstream. So, while I'm unable to act on that conviction as fervently during this season, I've suddenly got a little bit of time to blog [the correlation between being a homebody and being a good blogger is quite high, in my opinion].
Ironically, I've pretty much cast off any potential readership over the past few months -- constantly changing my address, blogging infrequently, literally telling people that I'm done altogether. Now that I've got some time and gumption, I'm faced with the lonely reality that I'm blogging this time by and for myself. So, imaginary reader, let's get this going with some no holds barred bloginatin'...
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