Shedding My Blog Skin

I think I'm at the point of readiness to embark on a slight variation on this whole blog theme.
Assuming some of my creative energies will return if they are properly oiled, I would like to shut down this here half-efforted blogaroo. In its stead, I will be attempting to create a monthly e-newsletter, which will allow me to be a bit more vulnerable and confessional with those that I know have a knack towards prayer and encouragement, and to especially take the time to refine whatever thoughts I've been tossing around into something more like an article and less like a two-paragraphed blog entry.
If you are still out there and you have any opinons about this, please chime in. Also, if you would like to be on the aforementioned distribution list, send me an email so I can include you when the time comes...
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