Sunday, March 12, 2006

Goings On

Confession: I did, in fact, sneak onto the internet a couple of times this past week. But the overall effect is still very much there, as I feel more freedom to "noodle around" with other things in the absence of the web surfing time. The hardest part hasn't been keeping up with other people's blogs, but not knowing whether the Stars won until the morning paper arrives.

Lent at the Abbey has been eventful and thoroughly enjoyable. We have opened up our Sunday night gathering to any and every friend we could think of, and the result has been two really fresh evenings with new and surprising faces and some energetic conversations.

We are gearing up for a big Saint Patrick's Day party on Friday. Tacks, the Boy Disaster will be performing. Homebrew will abound. The Celtic spirit will stir.

As of tomorrow, my role at Central Market will change. After two years in the bulk department as the coffee and tea specialist, I am now 20 yards across the floor in the Beer and Wine dept., training to become the beer specialist. This will hopefully result in a slight raise, but more importantly it will give me something new and exciting to learn about (something I'm already pretty passionate about) and afford me the opportunity to mix it up with some people that I already enjoy being around.

Speaking of beer, I'm pretty excited about the brew that is fermenting in the bucket right now. We are trying to pull off a Passion Fruit Wit, which is a light and refreshing Belgian-style ale, seasoned with the fruit that is most closely associated with Holy Week. If all goes well, the Abbey and its guest will have some pretty special stuff to partake of during the week of Christ's Passion.

Last and not the least bit least, Jolie and I found out on Monday that we will be having another boy! The ultrasound rendered a clear and unequivical image of the little dude's boy part, and so now we know. Connor called it right before we left for the appointment. He told us he was going to have a little brother, and he was right. We are exceedingly excited (we both laughed and cried at the same time when we saw the mini-penis), and we hope to come to some consensus about a name in the near future...


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