Too Many Things Not to Mention, Not to Mention Too Many Things
Our family is being stretched to learn more of the Way of Love and about the inner discretion needed to initiate the rite of adopting others in.
Connor cannot amuse himself endlessly without the undivided attention of adults.
Kiwi kids can.
The Orkney Islands monastic expression also seeks to produce a malty fermented beverage as a way of providing for itself and it's locality.
I hate political scandals - regardless of which slant they take.
Still, I am deeply concerned that there may be some truth to the notion that the "Leader of the Free World" knowingly misled a nation (nay, a coalition) to war.
Even more concerning is that this same said Leader relishes the opportunity to associate himself with Jesus publicly.
"Well, damn this American Empire..." was both familiar and provocative as it was preached from the heart and art of a dear new friend.
Ryan and Holly Sharp were a breath of real air.
A soul friend called, but no words were spoken; only the sounds of an Irish heartbeat confessing from American Airlines Center: "I still haven't found what I'm looking for."
An interesting cast of characters convened at the Abbey, not the least of which is Keith, a fistful of energy and despair, vacillating between belief in God's goodness and disbelief that he could be the benefactor of such love after living a life of heroine abuse that cost him 3 friends' lives.
I just clicked "refresh" and discovered that Kyle Lake is in fact dead. How does God allow a faithful shepherd to be electrocuted and killed while performing the sacrament of baptism?
Bono. Ryan. I'm with you.
Connor cannot amuse himself endlessly without the undivided attention of adults.
Kiwi kids can.
The Orkney Islands monastic expression also seeks to produce a malty fermented beverage as a way of providing for itself and it's locality.
I hate political scandals - regardless of which slant they take.
Still, I am deeply concerned that there may be some truth to the notion that the "Leader of the Free World" knowingly misled a nation (nay, a coalition) to war.
Even more concerning is that this same said Leader relishes the opportunity to associate himself with Jesus publicly.
"Well, damn this American Empire..." was both familiar and provocative as it was preached from the heart and art of a dear new friend.
Ryan and Holly Sharp were a breath of real air.
A soul friend called, but no words were spoken; only the sounds of an Irish heartbeat confessing from American Airlines Center: "I still haven't found what I'm looking for."
An interesting cast of characters convened at the Abbey, not the least of which is Keith, a fistful of energy and despair, vacillating between belief in God's goodness and disbelief that he could be the benefactor of such love after living a life of heroine abuse that cost him 3 friends' lives.
I just clicked "refresh" and discovered that Kyle Lake is in fact dead. How does God allow a faithful shepherd to be electrocuted and killed while performing the sacrament of baptism?
Bono. Ryan. I'm with you.